Millionaire’s shortbread


For the shortbread:
  • 250 g flour
  • 150 g butter at room temperature
  • 75 g sugar
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
For the caramel:
  • 1 can condensed milk (397 ml)
  • 100 g butter
  • 75 g light brown sugar
  • 50 g light syrup
For the chocolate layer:
  • 200 g dark chocolate
  • Maldon salt flakes or fleur de sel
  1. Step 1: making shortbread

    Beat the butter with the sugar until fluffy. Mix the salt into the flour and add it to the butter little by little. Mix well without working the dough too much.

    Spoon the dough into the baking dish and spread it out evenly. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes until the shortbread has a light golden color.

    Remove the baking sheet from the oven and leave the shortbread in the baking dish.

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  2. Step 2: prepare creamy caramel

    While the shortbread is baking in the oven, make the caramel. 

    Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan and place it over medium heat. Stir well while the butter melts, and the caramel comes to a boil. The syrup keeps your caramel from crystallizing. Keep stirring until the caramel thickens, has a light brown color, and your thermometer reads 100°C. Without a thermometer, you'll know you've reached the right temperature when your caramel separates from the side.

    Pour the caramel onto the shortbread, which is cool by now, and spread it out evenly. Let the caramel cool completely before melting the chocolate.

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  3. Step 3: the layer of chocolate

    Slowly melt the chocolate in a double boiler. Pour the melted chocolate onto the caramel and spread evenly with a spatula. Leave the millionaire's shortbread to cool.

    Sprinkle some Maldon salt flakes or fleur de sel on top of the chocolate for that extra touch.

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  4. Step 4: time to enjoy

    Lift the millionaire’s shortbread gently out of the baking dish and cut it into squares. Enjoy to the max.

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Scotland has much more to offer than shortbread and bagpipes. Read more about it in my blog.

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