Fish & chips: make this typically English dish yourself


For the fish:

  • 700 grams fish fillets
  • 2 tablespoons rice or corn flour
  • Pepper and salt

For the dough:

  • 100 grams type 00 wheat flour
  • 50 grams rice or corn flour
  • 250 ml blond beer, well-chilled
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper
  1. Step 1: prepare the fish

    Cut the fish into pieces. These should be no larger than 8 cm by 4 cm, with a maximum thickness of 2 cm. Pat the fish dry and season with salt and pepper. Dust with the flour and then set aside.

  2. Step 2: making the dough

    Start by mixing all the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Then add in some of the beer and stir well. Bit by bit, mix in more beer until you have the thickness of a pancake batter.

  3. Step 3: fry the fish

    Preheat the fryer to 190°C.

    Dip a piece of fish into the dough and bake it for about three minutes. The crust should have a nice golden color. You should not bake more than 3 pieces at a time.

    Drain the fish briefly on kitchen paper, then transfer onto a cooling rack. That way the fried fish will not become moist and limp.

    Time to enjoy these authentic fish and chips! Serve them with fries and a tartar sauce, or English style with malt vinegar, salt and ketchup.

    SG 38 fishandchips

Do you feel like having a typical British pastry after the fish & chips? Then discover the scones!

Scones with clotted cream

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