Fabulous food near Stonehenge
The 5000-year-old Stonehenge stone circle certainly needs no introduction. The monument has long been considered a temple, as well as a memorial to battles and an astrological observatory. Set in a vast expanse of grasslands and fields, Stonehenge attracts more than 1 million visitors annually. Close to this world-famous monument we found the Red Lion Freehouse, a gem in terms of gastronomy and hospitality.

Red Lion Freehouse
Using GPS and Google Maps as our guides, we drive along the rural roads of Wiltshire. We are only 15 minutes from Stonehenge, but first we want to eat. Just when I think we are probably lost, I see a thatched roof. The Red Lion Freehouse, our venue for lunch, is hidden among the trees, on the banks of the Avon River. This is not your average pub. The Red Lion Freehouse is a gastropub with multiple culinary recognitions, as well as a boutique hotel with spacious, luxurious rooms.

How it all began
Tired of starched tablecloths and tasting menus, chefs Guy and Brittany Manning set out to start a restaurant of their own. They find an idyllic, 18th-century country pub, and in 2008 they open the doors of the Red Lion Freehouse. Here, they are finally free to cook to their hearts' content, in an atmosphere that feels homey without being too casual. Their creativity expresses itself in both refined and more rustic dishes. The atmosphere is relaxed without losing sight of the rules of good service. We take a seat at a cozy table by the window, ready to discover the menu.
Our experience
Martin Edwards, general manager of the Red Lion Freehouse, welcomes us warmly and explains the menu. We want to taste as many dishes as possible and decide to share our plates.
We start with a deliciously fresh ceviche of Orkney scallops, apple and chili pepper. Then we go for carpaccio of cooked ox tongue with ravigote sauce, a slightly tart emulsion with capers and fresh herbs. Some steamed green beans and delicious mini croquettes of ox tongue are served alongside the carpaccio. Next, we eat pumpkin risotto with pear, chestnuts and crispy kale. An amazing combination of flavor and texture. Finally, we have monkfish with saffron potatoes, fennel and spinach, topped with a creamy bourride sauce. Bourride is a typical Provence fish stew with an aioli-based sauce.
The Basque cheesecake with blackberry compote and sorbet is really tempting, but I am full and take a rain check.

Meet Gilbert
At the Red Lion Freehouse, the bread is baked in-house. Gilbert, the sourdough starter, plays the key part in the process. He is already 14 years old; older than the Mannings' children. Gilbert turns the dough of flour and water into a delicious bread with crispy crust and tasty, airy crumb.