Grilled scallops, creamy watercress and crumble of hazelnuts

Ingredients for 4 persons:

  • 8 Scallops
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 250 g spinach
  • 2 bunches watercress
  • ½ L chicken stock
  • 100 ml heavy cream
  • 2 egg yolks
  • Pepper and fleur de sel
  • 1 slice white country bread
  • 50 g hazelnuts
  • Maldon salt
  1. Step 1: velouté of watercress

    Remove the stalks from the spinach and watercress and rinse the leaves thoroughly. Keep a few watercress leaves aside to use as garnish. Add salt to a large pot of water and bring to a boil. Blanch the vegetables, transfer them in ice-cold water with a slotted spoon. Now, drain the leaves, push out any excess water by hand and blend to a puree. For an extra-fine result, you can rub the puree through a fine sieve.

    Bring the chicken stock to a boil and mix in the green puree. Remove the bowl from the heat so you retain the deep green color of the vegetables. Whisk the egg yolks under the cream and carefully add a ladleful of the green stock. Now pour the cream into the rest of the soup. Season to taste with pepper and fleur de sel. Set the velouté in the fridge.

  2. Step 2: crumble of hazelnuts

    Toast the slice of bread until golden. Roast the hazelnuts. Crush the toast and hazelnuts and mix into a crumble.

  3. Step 3: the scallops

    Cut the scallops in half horizontally so that you have 16 flat round pieces. Rub in with olive oil. Heat a grilling pan and sear the scallops very briefly, 30 seconds per side, just to have nice grilling marks. Season with pepper and fleur de sel.

  4. Step 4: finishing

    Heat the watercress velouté over medium heat without boiling. Ladle the velouté in the warmed plates and arrange 4 pieces of scallops per plate on top. Sprinkle some crumble on top and finish with a few drops of olive oil and Maldon salt.

    3x Festive Scallaps 0144

Serve a piece of savory pumpkin bread with this elegant dish for an extra finishing touch.

Pumpkin Bread

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