Chantilly cream


  • 500 ml cold heavy cream with min. 30% fat content
  • 40 g icing sugar
  • A few drops of vanilla extract or ½ teaspoon of vanilla powder  
  1. Step 1: whisk air into the cream - foisonner la crème

    The first step is to whisk air into the cream. This is called foisonner la crème. Take a round-bottomed mixing bowl and a whisk and put them in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then, pour the cold cream into the mixing bowl and whisk air into the cream so that its volume increases. This technique produces many small air bubbles in the cream. Keep whisking until no more air bubbles are formed.

  2. Step 2: thicken the cream - enrubaner la crème

    As you continue to whisk the cream, you’ll start to notice a change in texture. The cream is thickening. At this point, add the sugar and vanilla. Mix gently and taste the cream to see if it needs more sugar or vanilla.

  3. Step 3: finalize the whipped cream - serrer la crème

    Now take a firm grip on the whisk vertically and beat very quickly, with a steady pulse, until the whipped cream becomes firm. The tricky part is knowing when to stop beating so that the whipped cream doesn't turn into butter. For this, it's important to pay close attention to the color. The whipped cream should stay white as snow and not turn yellow like butter.

  4. Step 4: the whipped cream test

    The crème Chantilly is ready when the following conditions are met:

    • The whisk should be able to stand by itself vertically in the whipped cream.
    • Take a little whipped cream on the tip of the whisk. The whipped cream should form a beak.
    • Turn the bowl with the crème Chantilly upside down. The whipped cream should stay in place for a minimum of 4 seconds.

     All you have to do now is indulge in the delicious crème Chantilly immediately, without putting it in the refrigerator.

Chantilly cream is absolutely delicious with raspberries and ice cream! But why stop there? Go a step further and prepare a magical dessert of cream puffs with rose Chantilly cream!

Cream puffs with rose Chantilly cream 

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